Szerző Péter, G. et al.
Publikálás éve 2009
Cím/Fejezet Ogataea populialbae sp. nov., a yeast species from white poplar
Folyóirat/Könyv FEMS Yeast Research
Kötet/Oldal 9: 936-941
Publisher -
MIMNG szám

During a survey of methylotrophic yeasts in natural habitats in Hungary, the yeast community associated with the exudates of white poplar (Populus alba) was found to be unique among the tree exudates hitherto investigated. Nineteen methanol-assimilating yeast strains representing an undescribed ascomycetous species were isolated from tree exudates of P. alba collected at different locations in Hungary. Analysis of the D1/D2 large subunit rRNA gene sequences placed the strains in the Ogataea clade and the new species is described as Ogataea populialbae. The type culture is NCAIM Y.01853(T) (CBS 11363, NRRL Y-48632).

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