Author Collins et al.
Publication Year 1989
Article Title Transfer of Pimelobacter tumescens to Terrabacter gen. nov. as Terrabacter tumescens comb. nov. and of Pimelobacter jensenii to Nocardioides jensenii comb. nov.
Journal/Book Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol.
Volume/page 39: 1-6.
Publisher Microbiology Society
NCAIM Number
Nocardioides simplex B.01106T

The phylogenetic interrelationship of members of the genera Nocardioides and Pimelobacter were examined by using reverse transcriptase sequencing of 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid. The sequence studies demonstrated that Nocardioides albus, Nocardioides luteus, Pimelobacter jensenii, and Pimelobacter simplex represent a coherent phylogenetic group at the genus level, whereas Pimelobacter tumescens occupies a separate line of descent. On the basis of sequence data and the chemotaxonomic distinctiveness of the latter organism, we propose that Pimelobacter tumescens be reclassified in a new genus, Terrabacter, as Terrabacter tumescens comb. nov.

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