Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis (Orla-Jensen 1919) Weiss et al. 1984
NCAIM Number B.01472
Other Collection Number ATCC 7830, BUCSAV 244, NCDO 302, NCIB 8118
Strain Name
Strain Status
Strain History
Previous Name
Typestrain of
Isolation source
Isolation Type
Restriction Hazard Group 1
Name of Medium NCAIM 0041 - MRS Broth - microaerophilic 37°C
Notes and applications

ID checked by 16S sequencing

Literature J. Biol. Chem. 176: 1465, 1948
U.S. Pharmacopeia 22nd.: 1516-1518, 1990
Analitical Microbiology: 551-556, 1963
ibid. 2: 494, 1972
ibid.: 543-544, 1990
ibid.: 546-547, 1990
AOAC Methods 952.20 and 986.23, 1990