Author Golubev, W.I.
Publication Year 1995
Article Title Perfect state of Rhodomyces dendrorhous
Journal/Book Yeast
Volume/page 11: 101-110
Publisher -
NCAIM Number
Phaffia rhodozyma Y.01791T Y.01792

After mother-daughter cell conjugation, formation of long holobasidia with terminal basidiospores was observed without mycelium production in Rhodomyces dendrorhous (including the type strain of Phaffia rhodozyma) on polyol-containing media. Basidiospores are not forcibly discharged and germinate by budding. A new genus Xanthophyllomyces (Filobasidiaceae, Tremellales) with a species, X. dendrorhous, is proposed for the teleomorphic state of R. dendrorhous.

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