Agrobacterium fabrum
NCAIM Number B.02352
Other Collection Number NCPPB 2562
Strain Name AG63
Strain Status
Strain History
Previous Name Agrobacterium fabrum
Typestrain of
Depositor Research Institute of Plant Protection - Bozsó, Z.
Isolator Panagopoulos, C.
Isolation source Vitis vinifera cv. Sultanina / Greece
Isolation Type plant
Restriction Hazard Group 1
Name of Medium NCAIM 0025 - Nutrient agar 26°C
Notes and applications

characterization (Panagopoulos, C G, Psallidas, P G, Characteristics of Greek isolates of Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith and Townsend), Conn J Appl Bacteriol, 36, 233, 1973)

ID checked by 16S sequencing. Similarity to "Agrobacterium fabrum" type strain (C58, ATCC 33970) GenBank  NR_074266.1 is 100%. 16S sequence shows only 97% similarity to the sequence of Rhizobium radiobacter. Lassalle and co-workers recently showed that the strain represents a new species and suggested the name Agrobacterium fabrum. However, no formal species description was proposed. (F. Lassalle, T. Campillo, L. Vial, J. Baude, D. Costechareyre, D. Chapulliot, M. Shams, D. Abrouk, C. Lavire, C. Oger-Desfeux, F. Hommais, L. Gueguen, V. Daubin, D. Muller, X. Nesme 2011. Genomic species are ecological species as revealed by comparative genomics in Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Genome Biol. Evol., 3: 762-781.
