National Collection of Agricultural and Industrial Microorganisms
Institute of Food Science and Technology
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
H-1118 BUDAPEST, Somlói út 14-16, Hungary, Telephone/Fax: (36 1) 305 7322
Institute of Food Science and Technology
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
H-1118 BUDAPEST, Somlói út 14-16, Hungary, Telephone/Fax: (36 1) 305 7322
Name | NCAIM Number |
Ureibacillus thermosphaericus | B.01309 B.01319 |
Vanderwaltozyma yarrowii | Y.01732T |
Vanrija fragicola | Y.01621T |
Vanrija humicola | Y.01282 Y.01322T Y.01341 |
Variovorax paradoxus | B.02666 |
Verticillium dahliae | F.00734 F.00747 |
Verticillium lateritium | F.00003 |
Vibrio breoganii | B.02422T |
Vibrio fischeri | See Aliivibrio fischeri |
Vibrio gallaecicus | B.02423T |
Vibrio harveyi | B.02153 B.02155T B.02164 B.02166 B.02629 |
Vibrio jasicida | B.02152 |
Vibrio owensii | B.02168 |
Vibrio sp. | B.02169 |
Vibrio splendidus | B.02150T |
Virgibacillus pantothenticus | B.01092T |
Vishniacozyma dimennae | Y.01647T |
Wallemia sebi | F.00783 |
Waltomyces lipofer | See Lipomyces lipofer |
Weissella cibaria | B.02204 |
Weissella hellenica | B.02232 B.02233 |
Weissella paramesenteroides | B.02236 |
Weissella soli | B.01136 |
Weissella viridescens | B.02234 |
Wickerhamia fluorescens | Y.00949T |
Wickerhamiella pararugosa | Y.01121 Y.01301T Y.02148 |
Wickerhamiella sorbophila | Y.01364T |
Wickerhamiella sp. | Y.02166T |
Wickerhamiella versatilis | Y.00907 Y.01395T Y.01542 |
Wickerhamomyces anomalus | Y.00170 Y.00213 Y.00367 |